As Pop Warner teams around the country prepare to start play for our
94th season I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to the
thousands of people who devote their time and energy to ensure our
young people have the opportunity to be kids and participate in sports
they love.
We all lead busy
lives these days, between work and family and a thousand activities
jamming our schedules. Supporting Pop Warner at the grassroots level is
no small task. It’s often coaching many hours in the hot sun in some
parts of the country and frigid, dark evenings in other parts.
Volunteering in a snack shack, organizing team events and handing out
uniforms. It’s judging cheer and dance competitions and working the
chains on the sideline of a football game. Board meetings and team
dinners. It may sometimes feel thankless. Please know it isn’t.
high school football coach was tough. There were no shortage of criticisms
for the players, often delivered with a bark. When you achieved success
and nailed your assignment you’d look over for a thumbs up or a verbal
pat on the back. It was never there. Several years later, I ended up
coaching under him. When I interviewed for the job, he told me that
he’d recently been reviewing game film from my playing days. He cited a
specific play we ran and said, 'For the life of me, I don’t understand
why we didn’t run that play to your side more – we always made excellent
yardage with it.’ Obviously, it didn’t help during my playing days but
it gave me a nice confidence boost to start my coaching career.
was a good coach and a good man. I’d like to think if he had been
coaching at the Pop Warner level he would have seen the value
of occasional positive affirmations. Because it’s what I see in action
when visiting our teams. We have so many great adult role models who
work hard to go beyond teaching the fundamentals of the sport. You are
shaping lives. Thank you.
Have a fun, safe and rewarding season!

Jon Butler